by Chase Porter
Staff Writer
On Oct. 12, the junior class began their first steps toward college and senior year by taking the PSAT or the practice SAT.
This test is just a taste of the actual SAT that most of the juniors will be taking later this school year and early this upcoming summer. The PSAT, like the SAT challenges students in the areas of analytical reading, writing and mathematics. The test can not be substituted for the actual SAT but it does determine if the student can be a national merit scholar or a national commended scholar depending on how well they did on the test.
According to Mrs. Poe in the Student Services office the scores are in and are being sorted. The scores will be distributed either tomorrow in sometime this week during the juniors english classes. Juniors who took the test will not only receive their scores but they will also get a chart noting how many correct and incorrect answers the student had on the test to help them prepare for the actual SAT.