By Seth Slover
Staff Writer
In a country where musical talent is abundant, it can be difficult for young musicians to succeed. Coppell junior Raylon Hart knows that, but it is by no means stopping him.
Hart, a rapper under the name of “Lil’ Ray,” has been rapping since age 12.
“I’ve always had a love for music, particularly for rap,” Hart said. “I grew up on rap, and I learned that I enjoyed making it myself.”
Over the past few years, Hart believes he has produced close to 220 songs.
“I have a lot of inspirations that really inspire me to make music,” Hart said. “True lyricists like Tupac, Biggie and Bob Marley are my musical influences, but my parents and grandpa also have a lot of influence on the raps I write.”
While many young people enjoy rapping or singing as a hobby, it is often problematic for artists to find someone who is willing to help produce their songs. Fortunately for Hart, this problem has been easily solved.
“My cousin has his own studio and is able to give me lots of different beats,” Hart said. “It’s a great process for me. I write the lyrics and give him an idea of what I want, and then we collaborate to decide on the beats that best fit the song.”
The next step for Hart is getting signed.
“Right now I’m underground, meaning I’m just rapping on my own,” Hart said. “My goal is to get signed and be able produce music under a record label. Right now I’m just doing what I can to get noticed and get seen. I recently got a manager so that should help the process of getting gigs and things like that.”
Facebook, YouTube and datpiff.com are media outlets Hart uses to publicize his music. Through websites such as these, many CHS students have become intrigued by Lil’ Ray.
“I’ve listened to some of Ray’s songs, and he’s really talented,” junior Logan Hawk said. “It’s really cool that he is doing this and is developing as a rapper. I hope he achieves the goals he has for himself.”
Friends who have known Hart since his pre-rapping days admire his progress.
“When Ray first came to Coppell in middle school, we had no idea he was such a talented rapper,” junior Wade Green said. “It’s awesome that he has come such a long way with his music.”
Not one to put all his eggs in one basket, Hart has goals outside of music, including attending college and developing a stable career. Well balanced and levelheaded, Hart realizes that rap can always be a hobby on the side in addition to a separate career.
For now, though, Hart is following his dream, looking for people to collaborate with, and to help publicize his music. He has a new mix tape coming out soon, followed by his first full album.
To check out Lil’ Ray, find his self-titled fan page on Facebook or on YouTube under the username “raylonhart.”