by Divya Kumar
News Editor
On Saturday, Oct. 10 the IB students are planning to take hike around Knob Hills Trail in Lewisville. The idea, proposed by IB English teacher Michael Vergien, was formed in order to help the students recieve ‘action’ and ‘creativity’ hours, which they need in order to graduate with their IB diploma.
Starting around 4:00, the students are to meet at the trail wearing layers and coming equipped with water, bug spray, a flashlight and a sack lunch, for they are most likely going to be eating dinner out on the trail.
Students have also been instructed to bring a composition notebook on the hike. Once they take a break, students are intended to use it to write or draw and reflect upon their hike, nature or anything they’re thinking of at the time. Through this, they can recieve the creativity hours they need. The actual act of hiking itself serves the purpose of giving them action hours.
Many IB students have expressed their excitement at the opportunity for gaining hours while doing something entertaining. Fears of rain and cold weather are circulating, for 67 appears to be the high for the day, but students have been informed to come well equipped.
To see more information about the trail the students will be following: