Mary Whitfill
Features Editor
The city of Coppell recently approved the plans to begin a redesign of Kid Country playgroud; one of the most iconic landmarks in Coppell. Now that the plans for ‘Kid Country 2012’ have been approved the city is looking to its residents to rack up the funds and raise money.
When originally built, the park was said to have a 15 year life span. Going on its 19th year, the city felt it was time for a remodel, rather than demolition, to keep the park’s traditions alive. The funds needed for the project total about $430,000, including equipment and architect cost. The city hopes that enough funds can be raised in the next 12 months, so building can begin this time next year. While the funds are being raised, the current Kid Country playground will remain in place.
The building process is only expected to take six to seven weeks, so the playground will be up and running again quickly after all funds are raised. When Kid Country was originally built in 1992, 7,000 of Coppell 15,000 residents came out to support the project. Originally a community oriented and funded project, the city hopes that tradition will remain.
For information or how to join a committee, email Neil Bales, a member of the Parks and Recreation Board, at