Divya Kumar
News Editor
This Friday, IB Environmental Science students will take a field trip to both Coppell Middle School West and the Coppell Nature Park to continue with their process of evaluating the habitat of the blackland prairie.
For many months now, the focus of both the AP and IB Environmental Science students has been on a blackland prairie, located in the Coppell Nature Park, and an appropriate way to restore it back to its full health, keeping ecological and environmental issues tucked away at the back of their minds. For the beginning half of their trip, the students will be revisiting the park again – as they had done earlier in the year with the addition of AP students – to observe and collect data.
Later in the day, they will be travelling to Coppell Middle School North to talk to Mrs. Douglass’ seventh grade biology class. While there, the students will be teaching the seventh graders how to test water quality data based off of the assessments they have done of similar nature within the classroom. After this, they will also be testing a few samples, as well.
“I’m pretty excited to go visit the middle school,” IB Environmental Science senior Sindhu Keepudi said. “It’s a good opportunity to get to interact with younger kids and teach them some of the stuff that we’ve learned in class, as well as give them some idea as to the environmental issues that can come into play when science is concerned.”