Mary Whitfill
Features Editor
The CISD gifted and talented program is designed around students who preform at a high level in academics when compared to people at a similar age, level and environment. The CISD gifted and talented program is an extension of the TAGT, the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented, run by parents and teachers who are devoted to designing a special curriculum around students who preform better when producing a creative product.

Students may qualify to join Gifted and Talented level classes based on their performance in already recognized higher level classes. There are two areas of participation for which students may qualify and they choose for which to submit an application: Mathematics and Science, or English and Social Students.
Applications for the CISD gifted and talented program will be due Friday and can be found of the Coppell High School website.
Tests will be taken in order for a student to participate in the program and tests will be held at 9:00 on Saturday March 26. Parental permission is necessary to test and can be obtained through the permission slip.