Laura Kattilakoski
Staff Writer

While swim team is not a common spectator sport, for those involved with the team it is a fun and exciting way to get involved with the school. For some members, the team aspect is what matter most, while other swimmers thrive at competition.
“The best part about swimming is knowing you’re doing challenging things and having your best friends next to you and knowing they’re doing something challenging too. Everyone in the whole entire world exists, and at the same time no one else in the world exists,” sophomore Hayden Henry said.
The team is having a good season and Henry has broken several school records, including the 200 freestyle as well as having the best times for the majority of the season.
“I’m happy about breaking some records, but the relays aren’t as fast as I’d like. It’ll be rough next year without all of the seniors so that will be different,” Henry said.
Aside from frequent practice, swim team events this year have ranged from the flocking in November to swim meets held almost weekly starting in September. Even competition is not all about the relays though.
“At competition, we sing, race, play cards, cheer, jut have fun and do our best,” said sophomore Alexis Ash, who has been swimming for six and a half years. “My favorite part is being around all the crazy swimmers…. And the bus rides.”
While several of the swim meets take place at the local YMCA, the team has also traveled to nearby cities such as Southlake, Marcus and Frisco to compete against opposing schools.
“In the words of coach [Patrick] Henry, we try and reach for the other gear,” sophomore Morgan Koranda said.
Members of the varsity swim team have put a lot of effort into getting there place on the team, most having spent anywhere from six to 11 years swimming.
“Well, before I started swimming I was around pools, so it seemed natural to start swimming and it just turned out to be one of the best things I’ve done,” Hayden Henry said.
As well as a love for the sport, another thing the members all had in common was their love for spending time with the team.
“My favorite part of swim team is the relationships you build and the friends you make,” Koranda said.
While there were some mixed feelings about continuing the sport in the future, most members agreed that meanwhile, it was a great way to be part of the school and make new friends during the course of high school.