Shelby Jurca
Staff Writer
Walking the halls of Coppell High School, students and faculty alike may have run into students sporting bright orange T-shirts that read, “What rhymes with win it? Bennett!” These shirts have promoted the football team, its players and have brought school spirit to a new high. For some, it feels like these shirts popped up out of nowhere. But there is a face behind the Bennett phenomenon.
Tyler Hernandez, a senior at CHS, came up with the idea for these shirts supporting senior football player Bennett Okotcha.
“The phrase ‘What rhymes with win it?…Bennett!’ just came to me I guess this year. I remember saying it at volleyball games and people loved it,” Hernandez said. “I chose to make the shirts because I love Bennett. It’s self explanatory.”
This boost in spirit isn’t happening just within the halls of CHS. These popular T-shirts have found their way into New Tech, as well.
“Combined with New Tech, exactly 400 students have a shirt,” Hernandez said.
“Since Bennett has done his best and has been really good this year, we all support him [Okotcha] because Coppell is like one big family,” sophomore Lora Blackwell said.
These bright orange shirts lit up the “Blackout Southlake” pep rally, and at football games the neon orange can be seen in rows.
“I chose neon orange because I wanted the shirts to stick out and be seen for miles, especially across the field by the opposing team,” Hernandez said.
The inspiration for these shirts, Bennett Okotcha, says he was surprised by the overwhelming response from CHS students to the shirts, but that his head isn’t getting bigger anytime soon.
“It feels good, but it could of happened to anyone. I was surprised when they told me about the idea and I didn’t think it was actually going to work out as well as it did,” Said Okotcha said.
Though Fridays are usually school spirit days and the halls are commonly flooded with red, lately there has been more orange spirit sprinkled through the school. As more Bennett shirts are sold, the more CHS principal Brad Hunt notices this display of enthusiasm.
“I thought the Bennett shirts were great, I only wish I had one!” Hunt said. “I think those shirts as well as others that have been made have really increased the spirit at CHS. It’s exciting to see all the positive energy that has come from our perfect football season.”
Spirit has been reported to be a motivation for victory, but is this the case for this faddish craze?
Head football coach Joe McBride puts that superstition aside, but also recognizes the boost of school spirit.
“I don’t really think it’s helped the football team, it might have given Bennett a big head though!” Jokes McBride. “I still don’t understand it. It’s one of those high school humor type things, but if it brings students together, than I’m all for it.” Said McBride.
Though these may not be the magic shirts that got us to the playoffs, these T-shirts are a popular item and have shot off the rocket of spirit for CHS. CHS students will be showing their support this Saturday at the teams’ first playoff game against Plano West. Come dressed for the occasion!