Kara Adkins
For every broke teenager looking for a part time job, Domino’s is now hiring. And unlike most teenage jobs that pay minimum wage Domino’s is offering to pay $31,000/ hour.
No, that wasn’t a spelling error. One Domino’s in Japan is paying a lucky employee $31,000 an hour to commemorate their 25th anniversary in the country. Just like any part time job you can fill out an application and go through an interview process in order to get the job. The only real requirement for landing the job is to be 18. Many believe this money could be spent better ways, and I would have to agree. Sure some guy out there is going to be very happy but how about the employees that have put in countless hours getting minimum wage that could probably all use some extra cash. Instead of wasting that money on one person who will then love Domino’s forever, they could raise the pay of all of their employees making many more people happy.
All I have to say is if you can afford airfare to Japan and are feeling lucky then go for it.