Your own Sidekick: How to unwind after AP exams
May 19, 2023
As you seal the sides of your last AP exam booklet of the year, you drop your dark blue pen as you listen to the proctor’s instructions with bated breath. You walk out of the Coppell High School gym and sigh a breath of relief.
It’s over. I can breathe now.
But as you walk back to class, you wonder, “What do I do now?”
After AP exams, rather than a sense of excitement, students feel burnt out and exhausted. Many have not had a life outside of studying for exams for the past six weeks and do not know what to do afterwards with all their newfound free time.
Here are some ways to replenish yourself after AP testing to regain your sense of self.
- Take a really long nap
In AP exam season, there are slews of tired students lining the hallways, having only slept for three or four hours the previous night. Now that they are over, treat yourself to a day long slumber.
According to Healthline, sleep deprivation causes loss of memory, mental instability and detrimental effects to your concentration. Getting the right amount of sleep is important, just like how I take an hour-long nap after I get home from a long day at school and sleep for half of the day after a long month at school. Consider it as a reward for getting through the strenuous past two weeks.
- Do something you love
In the past month, it is likely that you had to temporarily let go of a hobby to allow more time for studying. Now that the AP studying block in your day is gone, fill it up with something that brings you joy, whether it be playing a sport, baking cookies or reading a new book. Make a list of things that you have been abstaining from in exam season and take the opportunity to do them now.
Doing things that calm you down and bring you happiness are pivotal to your mental health and allow a happier, more optimistic mindset. Make sure not to let your academic pursuits get in the way of your personal well being.
- Do something exciting
Remember that concert you wanted to go to? What about that road trip you wanted to go on but you had to study instead? Now that your schedule is freed up, throw caution to wind and plan something to look forward to. When looking back at this period of time, doing something exciting after exams can help you remember this time period as fun rather than overwhelming.
- Enjoy the moment
After your AP exam, you might feel tempted to think about that math test next week or your AP courses for next year. It is important to take a breather and just relax the weekend after your exams. There will always be time to stress over other things, but for now, just celebrate that your exams are over, and commemorate the hard work you put into them.
Follow Anvita (@anvita_bondada) and @CHSCampusNews on Twitter.