VanderSchee announced as CHS Teacher of the Year from pool of eight
November 30, 2022

Math teacher Ian VanderSchee has been named 2022-23 Coppell High School Teacher of the Year. The announcement was made by Principal Laura Springer this morning.
On Monday, eight teachers were nominated for teacher of the year consisting of AP Biology teacher Bianca Benitez, AP World History teacher Connor Blake, AP Chemistry teacher Courtney Crosby, AP and IB math teacher Ian VanderSchee, Government teacher Michael Erickson, Head Band Director Kim Shuttlesworth, The Sidekick adviser Chase Wofford and STEM teacher Michael Yakubovsky.
During today’s staff faculty meeting, VanderSchee was announced as Teacher of the Year after all nominees were recognized by Springer.
Upon being announced as Teacher of the Year, VanderSchee’s initial reaction was surprise.
“I was honestly very surprised,” VanderSchee said. “I heard so many teachers say so many nice things about their colleagues. After I heard so many things being said about everyone who was up there, I thought it was an equal chance for everybody. I was very surprised when Ms. Springer said my name at the very end.”

John Watkins, CHS geometry and calculus teacher, spoke of VanderSchee at today’s faculty meeting.
“I said that Mr. VanderSchee is a great educator who inspires everybody he comes in contact with to reach their full potential,” Watkins said. “He cares for his students by designing innovative lessons. He takes lots of different approaches and while it can’t be easy for some teachers to coast, Mr. VanderSchee literally spends his entire summer reworking his curriculum, so he can deliver the most engaging student-centered, student-focused learning he can all the while building relationships with students and other math teachers.”
For VanderSchee, being spoken of by peers was a grounding experience.
“It was humbling,” VanderSchee said. “I know that I enjoy being around my colleagues, and I enjoy helping whenever I can to help and work with my colleagues as a team. But, to have them remember details about how I helped them so specifically made me realize the effect of a small, kind word or a little bit of computer help would mean to them in the future.”
Springer appreciates VanderSchee’s constant ability to develop himself as a math teacher.
“Some teachers as they get older start shutting down, you start quitting,” Springer said. “[They say] this is the way I’ve done it for years, and I’m going to continue doing it this way. Mr. VanderSchee is just the opposite. I think he’s gotten better with age. Every single year he’s seeking to grow and understand a different way to reach kids.”
Being congratulated by not only colleagues but also students was deeply moving for VanderSchee.
“By the time I had left the faculty meeting, the [Teacher of the Year] announcement was all over Instagram and Twitter,” VanderSchee said. “My students already knew by the time I got to first period, so they were already congratulating me. The fact that my colleagues said nice things meant so much. But the fact that the students were actually appreciative and so supportive of that decision and everything that I do means the world. I’m here for them whether I win an award or not. The outcome today wouldn’t have mattered. I’ll keep doing what I’m doing. The only thing that is different is that I have a certificate for it.”
The process of nominating teachers comes from CHS staff with oversight by CHS administration.
“It’s the amount of nominations that come in for the person,” Springer said. “Then we get around the table, and we talk about each person and what we’ve seen in their classrooms. Then we’ll go to different teachers and talk about being partners on their teams. And then they make the decision.”
More information is to come on VanderSchee in an upcoming story on
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