Heritage Night: a colorful celebration of cultures

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Coppell High School students dance to Bollywood songs during freestyle in Heritage Night in 2022. Heritage Night is tomorrow to celebrate the different cultures at CHS.

Aliza Abidi, Staff Photographer

As elaborate and colorful dresses spun around to blaring Bollywood music, students from all cultures danced with sweaty and smiling faces at Coppell High Schools 15th Heritage Night.

On Friday night, Coppell High School’s Junior World Affairs Council (JWAC) hosted their first Heritage Night since 2019. The event was thoroughly enjoyed by the audience and performers alike as traditions of some were appreciated by all.

For many, cultural background is a large part of their identity. Heritage Night provides a means to celebrate and relate identities from all over the world, embracing Coppell High School’s diverse community. 

From solo/duo to group performances, the audience roared and clapped along as choreographed dances, instruments and Chinese Yo-yo performed on the CHS Commons stage. Students displayed talent and passion as they danced along with the rhythm of their cultures classical as well as pop music, awing the audience. 

Students set up henna stands as well as visual displays and games about their culture in which the attendees could further read and learn about new traditions and activities.

“I am looking forward to seeing all of our different ethnicities here at Coppell ISD being represented by the student body,” CHS JWAC teacher sponsor Mashal Khan said. “Heritage Night is very important for us because we have a great range of diversity at this school and it is great to see the students be proud of their heritage and want to show it off to their community.”

For many, this was their first CHS Heritage Night due to COVID-19 regulations in the school year of 2020-2021. This unique event was relished by both new and old audiences as people of all backgrounds embraced each other. 

This year JWAC catered from Rosa’s Cafe in which members planned a buffet for all attendees. There were cultural snacks as well like Frooti, a popular Indian mango juice.

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Heritage Night: a colorful appreciation of cultures