by Ashley Attanucci
Staff Writer
The high school’s annual Curriculum Night –the one night parents experience that truly mimics the chaos of the jam-packed halls of an enormous school- has come and went. Countless parents slipped on their students’ shoes and added to the open house frenzy as they inquired Red Jackets for classroom locations. While parents learned about what their children’s classes are like this year, students lolled down the main hallway, signing up for different clubs that showcased themselves last night. Every organization from Yearbook -with a television screen playing last year’s memories- to Chinese club, whose table displayed various Chinese souvenirs, to Hope for Africa selling early their new ‘mums’. Parents and community members were welcome into the library during open house to vote in the Tax Rate Election, an election that even some high school seniors were able to partake in. Taking a look back, Curriculum Night not only served as a way for parents to get a look into their teen’s life and meet teachers, but for students to explore the many clubs and snack on their candy and brownie bribes.