Student of the week: Kim imprinting in current leadership roles for future aspirations

Meer Mahfuz

Coppell High School senior Ashely Kim sketches for her sculpture project for IB Visual Arts II in E105 on Sept. 13. Kim, who is the President of the National Art Honor Society, wants to become an architect in her future.

Sreeja Mudumby, Executive Editorial Page Editor

Coppell High School senior Ashley Kim has been in art since she was in seventh grade and is currently in International Baccalaureate (IB) Art II. After high school, Kim wants to pursue art in the future through residential architecture. Kim is also the president of National Arts Honors Society. 

Who are some of your favorite artists? 

I really like the impressionist art style, like [Oscar-Claude] Monet. I went to a Monet exhibition last year and I really liked it. I really liked Caspar David Friedrich’s artwork because he works on large scale [projects] and when you look at it in person, you can really tell where he gets his inspiration of nature from.

What inspires your passion for art?

The more you research about a topic you’re interested in, the more invested you get [in] a project. This year, my topic is how consumerism shapes society and people’s identities and that’s kind of a combination between my sophomore year’s theme and junior year’s theme. I feel like everything builds on each other and then goes in a similar direction. 

What does art mean to you?

Initially, it was a hobby. When I was really young I was really into pretty stuff like pretty clothes, and I started to make my own art. My sister [Coppell High School senior Bailey Kim] and I started to make our own dolls, and that’s when I became really interested in drawing. When I got to high school we did more conceptual art compared to middle school. When you get to high school, you get to explore what you like and are passionate about. I feel like that really helps to keep art interesting and not repetitive. 

Why do you want to pursue architecture? 

I feel like designing a habitable space is a way to connect with the general population, even though you don’t get to meet them. It is similar to graphic design in a way that it helps make your [quality of life] better. But I am also interested in interior design and furniture design. It all goes together when you are shaping a room in the building, the aesthetics of the design of the building, those are all [improving] daily life. 

What are some of your favorite materials to work with?

If I had to choose favorites, definitely oil painting. Oil paint is not lenient; you can’t fix everything, even if you pour black over everything you still cannot fix everything. So it’s [not] lenient, I feel like it gives you less pressure to do good for the first time. I feel like oil paint is more therapeutic, because you don’t have to stress so much on whether you’re messing up or not. 

When did you realize that you wanted to pursue a future with art?

Art just came naturally – I don’t really have any other hobbies except for art. I feel like I started as a hobby and I realized that I could do this as a living. I don’t see myself doing [something] like a STEM major. Art is something that I enjoy but still continue to learn. Art has more options besides just going into a fine arts department. After I realized that, I researched careers and my stream of consciousness was like, “I don’t want to starve but I want to go into art.” 

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