Bui breaks down his first week as an algebra II teacher

Olivia Cooper

Coppell High School algebra II teacher Alec Nguyen Bui introduces characteristics of functions to his fourth period class on Monday. Bui is a new teacher at CHS and he graduated from the University of North Texas in December.

Anette Varghese, Student Life Editor

Coppell High School algebra II teacher Alec Bui has taught at CHS since the second semester of the 2020-2021 school year. This will be his first full year as a teacher since graduating from the University of North Texas in December. 

Why did you decide to become a teacher? 

I did not want to be a teacher initially, but at [the University of North Texas] I found myself tutoring a lot of my peers and finding a lot of enjoyment in that. For myself, it was a matter of chasing that feeling again and again. I rethought [my major] and realized I did not enjoy Engineering, so let me pursue something that allows me to learn and educate other people. 

Why did you choose algebra II at Coppell High School? 

It’s one of those things that is given to you when a position is open and so I took the opportunity. I remember reading a mission statement that aligned with my views and what I think a teaching philosophy should be. It definitely was something that motivated me to apply to CISD. 

How was your first week as an algebra II teacher? 

I did teach last year at the end of the semester. For having an actual first week and having everyone back, it’s definitely very enjoyable and I’m grateful people are here and I’m grateful for what I have right now. 

Did you borrow any elements of your classroom from past teachers? 

My personality, I took bits and pieces being the fun teacher and being a somewhat strict teacher at times.  I took note of a lot of moments from when I was helping in a classroom, and [tried] to apply them to myself and my kids. 

What is the most memorable experience from your first week? 

The energy coming back [from virtual school] was different from what I expected. Because [COVID-19] was a big deal but the students coming back to school were very motivated to be here. 

What did you expect from your students? 

It was definitely uncharted territory for me. The students were a lot less timid than I expected, since they had been out of a physical classroom for so long. I thought there would be some unfamiliarity, but they’ve been great so far. 

How has the CISD family treated you? 

They’ve been wonderful to me. They treat me like I’ve been here forever and whenever I need help they’re here for me. It’s a very resourceful campus; everyone is always willing to help you. 

How does being young help you interact with your learners? 

It allows me to somewhat be at [my students’] level and relate to them in some sense. I think they are more motivated to listen to someone that thinks similarly to them – it’s a unique opportunity that allows me to connect directly with them. 

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