by Blake Seitz
Sports Editor
On homecoming, 2008, the Cowboys defeated Weatherford 49-6. This year’s game on the Kangaroo’s turf held less importance than last year’s, without the garish display of mums and garters, but yielded a similar result: the Cowboys won, 42-0.

Junior running back Cam McDaniel once again made an impact, proving just as evasive and just as powerful as in games past. He averaged five yards per carry, with one touchdown.
The standout player of the night on the ground, however, proved not to be McDaniel but junior running back Rene Meza, who closed out Weatherford with 85 yards on 18 carries and two touchdowns, both pile pushers.
Senior quarterback Hayden Hawk, usually lethal from range, proved diverse against the Roos. His balls were mainly screens and short patterns across the middle, and the majority were on target: Hawk completed 29 of 36 passes (80%) for 364 yards.
He attributed his success to the hard work of the team.
“My receivers were getting open, and the line was blocking well so I could just stand back and pick the defense apart,” Hawk said.
Coppell’s defensive unit was without exception, forcing Weatherford into a one-dimensional offense—the Roos accumulated 139 yards of offense, none from the sky. Their quarterback, junior Mitchael Rucker, threw six times and was off the mark all six.
Weatherford’s offense ventured past the 50 yard-line only so many times as could be counted on one hand.
Coach Joe McBride explained the shutout in terms of the high expectations he has for his defense.
“That’s our standard,” McBride said. “We tell them we expect no points. If [opponents] can’t score, they can’t win.”
With the victory, Coppell has a perfect 4-0 record going into its Friday matchup Friday against Mansfield Summit (1-2). The game will be played at home at 7:30 p.m.
Photo Gallery by Tyler Morris