Theater broadcasting performances for annual Senior Showcase

Nandini Paidesetty

Families exit the Coppell Arts Center after the Coppell High School Cowboy Theatre Company’s annual Senior Showcase on Friday. The Senior Showcase features seniors expressing themselves through two monologues.

Sreeja Mudumby, Communications Manager

Last Friday, Coppell High School Cowboy Theatre Company hosted its annual Senior Showcase. The shortened version of the event was held at the Coppell Arts Center.

“I really liked the bonding experience of it between the juniors and seniors,” Coppell senior Ikarus Smith said. “Sometimes there can be a bit of a divide of the grades, with the juniors working on tech and the seniors working on the working it felt like a really bonding experience.”

The overall theme of the senior showcase was formation of identity. Seniors wrote two monologues each, with key moments in their lives that made them who they are. The showcase contained monologues that were recorded in the Coppell High School auditorium as well as individual videos made by the seniors.

“What I found to be the most interesting about the senior showcase was that, you sort of get to peer into other people’s lives and the things that really made them who they are and what moments were the most impactful to them,” Coppell senior Matthew O’ Quinn said. “Every senior had one or two moments that really made them, and it was just nice to learn more about my friends.”

The Coppell High School Cowboy Theatre Company’s annual Senior Showcase plays at the Coppell Arts Center on Friday. The Senior Showcase features seniors expressing themselves through two monologues. (Nandini Paidesetty)

This event helped seniors highlight their uniqueness and individuality through performance.

“One of my friends, [Coppell senior Sydney Dixon] wrote one about me in our sophomore year,” O’Quinn said. “She had a huge crush on me, [and] she wrote her experience about that. [Coppell senior and The Sidekick executive editorial page editor Camila Villereal] just had this amazing piece where she just said that Coppell theater has made her who she is, and it was really inspiring to know that I and my classmates were able to affect someone and make them who they are, and having a big impact on someone.” 

The director’s cut version is about one and a half hours long, and the full version is three hours long. The full length event was posted on the Vimeo channel and the password is Seniors2021.


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