#SJW: Massi taking KCBY-TV Sports to the next level

Lilly Gorman

KCBY-TV junior sports director Thea Massi works on an outline for a softball hype video in the KCBY studio on Tuesday. Massi uses KCBY as a way to further explore her love for media and broadcasting.

Akhila Gunturu, CHS9 Editor

As a freshman, KCBY-TV junior sports director Thea Massi was involved in volleyball, basketball and track and field. Now, as the sports director, Massi channels her passion for media and experience into furthering the sports section of KCBY.

Why did you join KCBY? 

I was always interested in media. I just love filming and editing. But one of the main reasons I joined sports is because as a kid my dream job was actually to become a sports anchor. it was really cool that I actually made it happen in high school. I continued KCBY because of all because of the opportunities [it] gave me and the leadership role that I [have]. I learned so much.

What is your favorite experience as sports director?

Something I love about KCBY sports is going to pregame and covering [sports], as well as getting interviews. Since I’m passionate about sports, I really like seeing inside of these high achieving athletes. We have some athletes that are top in the state, and I’m getting to talk [to them] and seeing their thoughts.

What are some of your responsibilities as sports director?

Mainly managing the sports crews. But I take it as more than just that. I don’t like doing the bare minimum. I took it as an opportunity to ramp up the sports section part of KCBY. I go beyond with [it]. I make hype videos. I report every day and we’ve been to every varsity game for football and basketball. I manage all the sports crews that are working on segments throughout the week. I also implemented this new [segment] called Beyond the Ball where we sit down and talk with athletes about their life, kind of like a talk show. One of the most important parts is motivating the staff. That’s a very important role as a leader.

What are some skills that you’ve learned from KCBY? 

The main one I’ve learned is leadership skills. How to lead, manage and talk with people. That’s the most valuable thing I got from KCBY because it carries on throughout my life. Some more technical skills were how to work a camera, how to edit with Premiere Pro and After Effects, how to write a story like a good newscast would.

Why do you think journalism is important?

Journalism as a whole is amazing because it gives people information that they wouldn’t have known if these journalists didn’t actually go out and find the story and cover it. Personally, sports journalism is really fun. A lot of people in Coppell and other high schoolers are really interested in sports; it’s a big cultural thing in America. Journalists give these athletes a platform to show what they’re good at. 

Why do you think scholastic journalism is important?

First of all, it sets journalists up for the future. Building good journalists now in high school helps build that foundation so we have better journalists in the future. Big news companies don’t cover as much high school news. It’s important for the high school journalism programs to cover school news so the students are aware of what’s happening.

Why does local journalism matter to you?

Local news is really helpful because I know what’s going on here in my community. A lot of big news companies cover [it] kind of broadly. It’s important to also have city and county news because sometimes those affect people more than what’s going on around the world or in the nation.

How has KCBY helped you speak for issues that matter to you? 

I’ve used KCBY to bring light on issues that athletes have, [such as] injuries, hardships or COVID-19 quarantines. Showing these top athletes and what they’ve struggled with can help people understand that it’s normal to have struggles.

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