Rain: the sign of balance, not despair


Samantha Freeman

Executive enterprise editor Shreya Beldona believes rain should be viewed as a positive despite its negative connotations. Beldona argues that rain is more than mundane weather; it is a source of strength for the day.

Shreya Beldona, Executive enterprise editor

As soon as I wake up, before I even open my eyes, I can feel it. 

My room, lacking proper insulation, is colder than normal. When I open my eyes, the sunlight no longer streams into my room through the blinds. Instead, there are dark clouds outside. In that moment, I hope that the dark skies above hold true to their promise, the promise of rain.

I have always felt alone in my love for this seemingly mundane event. However, there is a word that describes people like me: ceraunophile.

Rain, thunder and cloudy skies have always been vilified. When I look outside and see dark clouds, I smile, yet I know that many do not feel this way. I find how rain is viewed as ironic. For some reason, “rain” is viewed as inherently negative, but dancing in the rain is positive. 

Too often, I have heard, “It’s gonna be a bad day because it’s gonna rain.” Though I am not an individual who actively “starts the day on the right foot,” the statement brings a twinge to my heart. How can something as simple as water falling from the sky equate to a subpar day?

It is this sentiment, not rain, that contributes to a “bad” day. 

I understand the thought process. When it rains, the skies become dark, the clouds no longer wisps of white contrasting the brilliant blue sky. The sun hides behind the now gray clouds, afraid to cast its almost ethereal beams onto the Earth below. To feel melancholy is not unreasonable. 

But it is this that brings me joy. The realization that all moments in life will not be filled with sunshine, with impeccably white clouds, with skies so blue they seem artificial. It is a reminder that I am human. A constant feeling of happiness is not realistic. How can one be appreciative of the beautiful days when it is all you are used to?

Loneliness feeds off of discontent and unrealistic expectations. Rain is the antithesis. Rain is the cue of inclusion, of the understanding that jubilance must be contrasted with being pensive. 

With the Texas climate, rain does not visit me as much as I’d like. Similar to the love interest in a cheesy rom-com movie, it knocks on my window, hoping to catch my attention when I least expect it, and I, eager to relieve my stress, excitedly peer out, thankful for the break I have been given. Though I wish rain frequently saw me, I understand why it does not. Like me, it too needs a break. 

Rain has become a friend of mine. The friend you rarely see, yet somehow they are always there when you need it. The friend with open arms, ready to accept you. 

If I fail to find the strength to get through the day, the sound of water falling onto my window comforts me. When my day is good, the same sound assures me, helping me know I am on the right track.

When rain showers you, think of it not as the universe burdening you, but as the universe reminding you to let go. Do what you need to rid yourself of loneliness and impracticality. Do the things that make you happy and grounded. Do the things that make you human. 

Follow Shreya (@BeldonaShreya) and @CHSCampusNews on Twitter.