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  • Coppell Arts Center hosts the Coppell High School International Baccalaureate Art Exhibition at 5 p.m. on Wednesday.
  • CHS students signed up for job shadowing will shadow from 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m. on Thursday.
The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

Coppell residents stretch to cool down today at Andy Brown Park East during the charity workout held by Get You In Shape Fitness. Donations go to the Taylor Storch Memorial Scholarship, which was founded by the family of the former Coppell Middle School East eighth grader Taylor Storch after her death in 2010.

“Purpose out of pain”: Charity workout honors Storch’s legacy

Trisha Atluri, Advertising/Circulation Manager April 17, 2021

On Monday, the late Taylor Storch would have turned 25 years old. Instead, her life was cut short by a fatal skiing accident in 2010 before she had the chance to graduate middle school.  In her memory,...

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