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  • Coppell ISD is closed for spring break. Coppell Student Media publishing resumes March 24.
  • Coppell Arts Center hosts the Coppell High School International Baccalaureate Art Exhibition at 5 p.m. on Wednesday.
  • CHS students signed up for job shadowing will shadow from 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m. on Thursday.
The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

Coppell High School sophomore Mihir Thakur organized Rise Up, a tennis camp, over spring break with the help of fellow tennis athletes. Thakur raised $1,320 and split the funds between the CHS Tennis program and Coppell Education Foundation.

Thakur serves back to tennis community, fundraises more than $1,300 through camp

Anushree De, Advertising/Circulations Manager May 18, 2023

Students amble their way to the Coppell High School Tennis Center. It is 8:45 a.m. and sophomore Mihir Thakur picks up a tennis ball from his JV tennis class, intending to serve it. The center has become...

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