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  • Coppell Arts Center hosts the Coppell High School International Baccalaureate Art Exhibition at 5 p.m. on Wednesday.
  • CHS students signed up for job shadowing will shadow from 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m. on Thursday.
The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

Rap music is often associated with negative connotations such as violence and gangs. The Sidekick staff writer Varshitha Korrapolu thinks rap music is a powerful genre that should be relieved of its cynical views.

Opinion: Give it a listen, think again

Varshitha Korrapolu, Staff Writer March 1, 2021

Piercing sounds blaring through speakers.  Unpleasant sensations. Noise. Disturbance. Unreal.  Those songs are usually about profanity, shattered young love or substance abuse right? This is...

Graphic by Manu Garikipati

The Art of Respect: Learning not to take everything for granted

Gabby Sahm, Staff Writer February 19, 2016

It is easy to take the smaller things in life for granted. From having a place to call home to simply being able to have a good dinner, people often forget that these things are rare to families in many...

Men and women should be considered equal and meninism defies those feminist ideals. Graphic by Rachel Bugias-Lopez

Meninism: Adding fuel to the fire of sexism?

February 27, 2015

By Alexandra Dalton Staff Writer @alexdalton04  Women belong in the kitchen. You fight like a girl. At least you are pretty. Man up. These sayings are commonplace in our culture and have underlying...

Quantity over quality, critical thinking nixed in favor of grades

November 14, 2014

Alexandra Dalton Staff Writer @alex_dalton04 As I scurry through the hallways in between classes I can always count on one thing; complaints. One of the best talents of teenagers is to find absolutely...

Graphic by Christianna Haas. People more inclined to ignore the pain of others.

Turning the cheek results in guilty verdict for gossiping

October 24, 2014

By Alexandra Dalton Staff Writer @alex_dalton04  People like to believe that they do the best of their ability to be a good friend; teenagers being the ultimate representation of this. They will...

Once one door closes another one always opens. Graphic by Manu Garikipati and Josh Martin.

Teens’ identities dependent on their activities

September 5, 2014

By Alexandra Dalton Staff Writer @alexdalton04 Everyone has a different sport, club or hobby - a niche. This leads  one to select friend groups, lunch tables and study buddies. What makes high...

Graphic by Josh Martin

Unprepared teens choose life career

February 28, 2014

By Alexandra Dalton Staff Writer In today’s age, as a 16-year-old student, I am allowed to dictate what college I think fits me the best. If I were born on a leap day, I would be exactly four...

Racial ignorance hurts students, adults nationwide

February 18, 2014

By Pranathi Chitta Staff Writer Recently, I went to a Business Professionals of America (BPA) competition and I was quite surprised during the awards ceremony. When I was called onto the stage, the...

U.S. map shows status of marijuana decriminalization laws across the states; Colorado has become the first state to sell the drug for recreational use. MCT 2014

Economic factors: marijuana

February 5, 2014

By Alex Dalton Staff Writer Marijuana in Colorado is a controversial debate that has been ongoing since 2013 when the law passed to legalize the practice. Only behind Washington, Colorado is one of...

Twins share high school experience

November 15, 2013

By Alexandra Dalton Staff Writer  Coming into high school having a twin brother can be both comforting and suffocating. There will always be someone there for you when feel upset and need someone to...

Honest truth: Girls deserve more respect from guys

Honest truth: Girls deserve more respect from guys

November 5, 2013

By Alex Nicoll Staff Writer “Guys are oblivious.” When one of my female friends was venting to me about how a guy she had a crush on never noticed the “signs” she gave, I took offense to it....

Senior column: Hair reflects on high school, future

Senior column: Hair reflects on high school, future

May 15, 2013

By Thomas Hair Opinions Editor For the past four years, I’ve been climbing endlessly, longing to reach the top the mountain that is Coppell High School. But now that I’m pulling myself up onto...

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