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  • Coppell ISD is closed for spring break. Coppell Student Media publishing resumes March 24.
  • Coppell Arts Center hosts the Coppell High School International Baccalaureate Art Exhibition at 5 p.m. on Wednesday.
  • CHS students signed up for job shadowing will shadow from 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m. on Thursday.
The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

Into the Woods garners Schmidt and Jones nominations

May 13, 2011

UPDATE: Into the Woods took home four awards at the Schmidt and Jones ceremony (Hilary Taylor for Best Supporting Actress, Mackenzie Orr for Best Actor, Maggie Hunter for Best Actress and the entire show...

Upcoming entertainment options

October 26, 2010

by Ashleigh Heaton Editor-in-Chief Looking for something to do? Look no further: there are plenty of upcoming opportunites around the Coppell area to keep you (and your friends) busy and having fun. MOVIES Due...

Hong sings to success

September 29, 2010

By Julia Kim Staff Writer The curtains fly open, and senior Judy Hong is on stage — her true home. Ready to sing. Ready to dance. This is it. Earlier in the spring, Hong was involved in an opportunity...

Food, music and a benefit at theatre department silent auction and revue

September 27, 2010

Ashleigh Heaton Editor-in-Chief  Video by: Chloe Lanier, KCY Broadcast (video coming soon)  You look up at the stage, enamored by the high school performer singing and dancing to a Broadway     tune. ...

CHS Students audition for annual musical

September 13, 2010

Story by Zeb White Staff Writer, Asst. Business manager Video by Alex Smith KCBY "I’ve seen good productions and I’ve seen bad productions,” Lisa Tabor said to the eager performers. “This...

New Theatre Auditions: Into the Woods

August 27, 2010

Kelly Stewart Staff Writer Barely a week has gone by, and already the theatre is scheduling auditions for their new play, Into the Woods. The premise is complex, but well thought out, incorporating...

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