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The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The Sidekick staff designer Ahana Roy plays Genshin Impact to destress from a busy week. Roy is grateful to the role-playing game Genshin Impact for keeping her positive through tough times and allowing her to build new friendships. Photo illustration by Ahana Roy

Giving thanks: My escape from reality

Ahana Roy, Staff Designer November 14, 2024

Messy room, tangled hair, tear-stained eyes. I sit hunched over my desk in my dimly-lit room feeling hopeless. My grandpa has died, I am moving miles away from my home soon and I have no idea what...

The Sidekick staff designer Nrithya Mahesh reads Cinder by Marissa Meyer in the Coppell High School Library. Mahesh finds solace and comfort in the familiarity of rereading books. Photo by Sukirtha Muthiah

Giving thanks: Haven in tattered pages

Nrithya Mahesh, Staff Designer November 9, 2023

“The screw through Cinder’s ankle had rusted, the engraved cross marks worn to a mangled circle.” I read the first line of the slowly fraying book, Cinder by Marissa Meyer. It was the third time...

A piece of art can often speak volumes to a person who connects to it. The Sidekick staff cartoonist Maya Palavali explores her appreciation towards “The Starry Night,” a painting by Vincent Van Gogh that she holds close to her heart.

Giving Thanks: My inevitable connection

Maya Palavali, Staff Cartoonist November 24, 2022

Starry Night, I have loved you ever since I first saw you. When I was younger, I was surrounded by a wealth of knowledge. My parents both appreciate traveling and the history behind cultures. While...

As the leaves fall: giving thanks to nature

As the leaves fall: giving thanks to nature

Anushree De, Staff Writer November 22, 2022

To listen to this story, click on the box to the left. Entry #100: Dear Diary, I flip through the pages of my black-and-white composition notebook, its lines inscribed with the scratchy gray...

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