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  • The Coppell High School Band holds its Mid-Winter Concert on Monday and Tuesday.
  • CHS hosts a Science Fair showcase in the cafeteria at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday.
  • Coppell ISD students have the day off on Friday.
The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

Coppell High School junior Nadia Monani dances to a semi-classical Indian medley in the CHS Commons on Thursday night. The Junior World Affair Council (JWAC) hosted its annual Heritage Night to celebrate the diversity at CHS.

A night highlighting the heart of Coppell: its culture

Maya Palavali, Staff Cartoonist February 17, 2023

The rhythm of the music swirls together with the beautiful movements on stage as the beat shakes the floor. The voices of the song are drowned out by the excited chanting of the audience cheering on the...

On Wednesday, Civil Rights activist Jasper Rowe spoke to the African-American studies class in the Coppell High School Lecture Hall for Black History Month. Rowe is a lawyer from the Civil Rights era who played an important part in the desegregation of schools.

Rowe inspiring the future of Black rights activists

Maya Palavali, Staff Cartoonist February 16, 2023

The large room was silent except for the deep echoing voice. A man clad with a bright orange tie captivated the room as students held on to each and every word he said. On Wednesday, former civil rights...

With a Black Jamaican mother and a white father from Ohio, Coppell High School senior Miller is biracial, but identifies themselves as Black because of their rich culture. Miller celebrates their heritage during Black History Month as they believe it is a big part of their identity.

#BlackHistoryMonth: The show behind the curtains (with video)

Sreeja Mudumby, Executive Editorial Page Editor February 3, 2022

The curtains open and the lights flash. The crowd is full, all eyes on the stage. But the front conveys only half the story.  Backstage is where the magic lies.  Coppell High School senior...

Black History Month will always be important

Black History Month will always be important

Sloane Samberson, Managing Editor February 19, 2016

In an interview with Fox News regarding the boycott of the Oscars lack of diversity, actress and Fox News contributor Stacey Dash said she thinks the boycott is, “Ludicrous…Either we want to have segregation...

Okpala celebrates Black History Month by reflecting on her life, ancestors who paved way

February 28, 2014

By Sloane Samberson Staff Writer February is the time celebrate Black History Month. A time to recognize all the strife and pain African-Americans had to overcome to get to where they are today. A time...

Classes participate in Black History Month

February 18, 2011

Laura Kattilakoski Staff Writer Video by Morgan McCollough Black History Month is celebrated in February nationwide and Coppell High School is doing its part to recognize the achievements of African-Americans...

Black History Month hits home for CHS Image and video hosting by TinyPic

February 22, 2010

Story by Peyton Wood Video by Tara Henry and Savannah Shealy Photo by Frances Ruiz   1865 – Thirteenth Amendment was passed and slavery was ended 1963 – Martin Luther King delivered...

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