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  • Coppell Arts Center hosts the Coppell High School International Baccalaureate Art Exhibition at 5 p.m. on Wednesday.
  • CHS students signed up for job shadowing will shadow from 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m. on Thursday.
The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

Deinhammer uses iTunes U to innovate in, out of classroom

Deinhammer uses iTunes U to innovate in, out of classroom

December 9, 2013

By Stephanie Gross Staff Writer There have been many new technological innovations introduced to Coppell High School, but not many of them have reached rankings in the top 10 on the iTunes chart. For...

Deinhammer's class gets hands on with sheep hearts

Deinhammer’s class gets hands on with sheep hearts

December 4, 2013

Deinhammer's class gets hands on with sheep hearts, a set on Flickr.On Tuesday, Jodie Deinhammer's anatomy class got hands on experience while dissecting sheep hearts, lungs, and cow hearts. Photos by...

Photo Gallery: Anatomy students give new life to fetal pigs

Photo Gallery: Anatomy students give new life to fetal pigs

August 29, 2012

With similarities to the human anatomy, CHS Anatomy students classes dissected fetal pigs today to get an hands-on learning experience of the pig's  structure such as the location of the muscles or...

Dissection provides Anatomy students with unique experience

Dissection provides Anatomy students with unique experience

May 26, 2011

Beth Anne Carroll Staff Writer The senior anatomy classes are taking an interesting approach to hands on learning. This past week, the seniors anatomy students dissected cats to witness firsthand...

Coppell students to raise awareness for melanoma

November 9, 2010

By Abby Drake Staff Writer Video By: Josh Oden and Josh Brunelli Like most girls, Coppell High School senior Keely Leonard used to spend all day out in the summer sun soaking up rays and her winter...

Anatomy students put service learning project into action

February 24, 2010

by Melissa Brisco Staff writer                 At the beginning of the school year, Jodie Dienhammer’s anatomy classes took a different approach to learning about skin cancer awareness,...

Anatomy students hope to raise skin cancer awareness

October 26, 2009

By Melissa Brisco Staff Writer                 During the day students tire of worksheets, textbooks and thing they feel are not applicable to the “real world”.                Students...

Photo Gallery: CHS anatomy class pig dissection

September 10, 2009

Photos by Aditi Shrikant Ms. Deinhammer's 6th period anatomy class dissects piglets.  Gross? Cool? Inhumane? Leave us a comment below!

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