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The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

Science Fair 2018 Winners

Nadia Scalzo
Coppell High School students Tallulah Rushton and Riley Glowacki won an honorable mention in the Behavioral Sciences I division for this year’s science fair. These projects are displayed this week in the library while students are waiting to compete at state.
Nadia Scalzo
Coppell High School students Peter Tsai, Samantha Chen, and Rachel Hertanto won second place in this year’s science fair for the Medicine and Health division. These projects are displayed this week in the library while students are waiting to compete at state.
Nadia Scalzo
Coppell High School student Katherine Anderson won second place in the Behavioral Sciences l division. These projects are displayed this week in the library while students are waiting to compete at state.
Nadia Scalzo
Coppell High School student Natalie Adams won first place in this year’s science fair for the Biochemistry division. These projects are displayed this week in the library while students are waiting to compete at state.
Nadia Scalzo
Coppell High School student Sahana Ramasamy won second place in this year’s science fair for the Earth & Environmental Systems division.
These projects are displayed this week in the library while students are waiting to compete at state.
Nadia Scalzo
Coppell High School student Aiushri Saxena won first place in the Plant Sciences division for this year’s science fair. These projects are displayed this week in the library while students are waiting to compete at state.
Nadia Scalzo
Coppell High School student Shivi Sharma won second place in the Biochemistry division for this year’s science fair. These projects are displayed this week in the library while students are waiting to compete at state.