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The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

The official student news site of Coppell High School

Coppell Student Media

Cowgirls Defeat Berkner

Nadia Scalzo
Coppell High School center freshman Nicole Obialo boxes out to get a clear pass to forward guard senior Rebecca Copple. The Coppell varsity girls basketball team played against Berkner at home on Tuesday winning 58-34.
Nadia Scalzo
Coppell High School forward guard senior Rebecca Copple makes a pass. The Coppell varsity girls basketball team played against Berkner at home on Tuesday winning 58-34.
Nadia Scalzo
Coppell High School shooting guard senior Mary Luckett takes a shot at the free throw line. The Coppell varsity girls basketball team played against Berkner at home on Tuesday winning 58-34.
Nadia Scalzo
Coppell High School varsity girls basketball team warms up by scrimmaging before their game. The Coppell varsity girls basketball team played against Berkner at home on Tuesday winning 58-34.
Nadia Scalzo
Coppell High School point guard sophomore Kennedi Rodgers goes up for a lay-up.
The Coppell varsity girls basketball team played against Berkner at home on Tuesday winning 58-34.
Nadia Scalzo
Coppell High School shooting guard freshman Chloe Hassman makes a shot for the team. The Coppell varsity girls basketball team played against Berkner at home on Tuesday winning 58-34.
Nadia Scalzo
Coppell High School shooting guard senior Mary Luckett dribbles the ball down the court. The Coppell varsity girls basketball team played against Berkner at home on Tuesday winning 58-34.
Nadia Scalzo
Coppell High School point guard sophomore Jordan Nelson takes a shot from the free throw line. The Coppell varsity girls basketball team played against Berkner at home on Tuesday winning 58-34.