Cowgirls Defeat Berkner

Coppell High School center freshman Nicole Obialo boxes out to get a clear pass to forward guard senior Rebecca Copple. The Coppell varsity girls basketball team played against Berkner at home on Tuesday winning 58-34.

Coppell High School forward guard senior Rebecca Copple makes a pass. The Coppell varsity girls basketball team played against Berkner at home on Tuesday winning 58-34.

Coppell High School shooting guard senior Mary Luckett takes a shot at the free throw line. The Coppell varsity girls basketball team played against Berkner at home on Tuesday winning 58-34.

Coppell High School varsity girls basketball team warms up by scrimmaging before their game. The Coppell varsity girls basketball team played against Berkner at home on Tuesday winning 58-34.

Coppell High School point guard sophomore Kennedi Rodgers goes up for a lay-up.
The Coppell varsity girls basketball team played against Berkner at home on Tuesday winning 58-34.

Coppell High School shooting guard freshman Chloe Hassman makes a shot for the team. The Coppell varsity girls basketball team played against Berkner at home on Tuesday winning 58-34.

Coppell High School shooting guard senior Mary Luckett dribbles the ball down the court. The Coppell varsity girls basketball team played against Berkner at home on Tuesday winning 58-34.

Coppell High School point guard sophomore Jordan Nelson takes a shot from the free throw line. The Coppell varsity girls basketball team played against Berkner at home on Tuesday winning 58-34.