CHS Highlight: Marker Luckey
Laura Amador Toro, Photographer
• January 15, 2019

CHS Highlight: Mikiyah Parker
Laura Amador Toro, Staff Photographer
• December 13, 2018
![“It started just me and Carrie,” Coppell High School junior Camryn Rudd said. “[We] were at Walmart and saw some awesome pony beads and we thought, “Oh, this could be fun.” We just started doing it for ourselves and thought, “Hey, maybe people would buy [bracelets].” And so we just made a Google Form and started selling them. We have star beads and we made a black, red and white star necklace and we featured it in one of our pictures and a lot of people liked it. And so we just started making those too for football games. [They’re] cowboy colors, so it’s kinda cool that we could do that.”](https://coppellstudentmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/CHSHighlight_1.png)
CHS Highlight: Carrie Sheffield and Camryn Rudd
Shravya Mahesh, Staff Writer
• September 10, 2018

Humans of CHS: Zeke Butler
Nishant Medicharla, Staff Writer
• May 4, 2018

Humans of CHS: Sneha Bhatia
Laura Amador Toro
• April 24, 2018

Humans of CHS: Shruti Asodaria
April 6, 2018

Humans of CHS: Roberta Ponce
April 6, 2018
![“In my lifetime there’s been several different events. I think probably my earliest very concrete memory of something scary like that happening was the Murrah Building in OKC. My dad was a federal government employee and he was also in the military and I was in school the day that happened and I remember that coming across the TVs and I was having a hard time delineating what federal building had been bombed. My dad often worked in federal buildings through the central United States which was where I could tell where that was and so I didn’t know which building my dad was in that day and I remember feeling very scared, and it was kind of the first time I made a very real connection to something like that. My dad was fine, but a lot of people weren’t. Since that time there has been many other incidences, 9/11 happened, we had the horrific events in Orlando, and so many others. And certainly, the events of [Oct. 10]. With all of that, I think what’s most important is that we all remember that we need to love each other, and we need to take care of each other, and that we need to care for those around us, and to pay attention to the needs of our family members and our friends, pay attention when somebody’s hurting, be respectful of others views, and be respectful of others faiths, and all of those different factors. The more that we do that, and the more that we help our neighbors, the less likely every single day that these kinds of things will happen.” -Coppell High School Principal Dr. Nicole Jund on the events of Oct. 10 in Las Vegas.](https://coppellstudentmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Jund_Phillips.jpg)
Humans of CHS: Dr. Nicole Jund
April 6, 2018

Humans of CHS: Sofia Sanz
April 6, 2018
![“I was born in California and I moved to Texas 12 and a half years ago, and I ended up in Coppell by luck. I was looking for a job, and I saw [an ad] in the newspaper. I really just loved the environment and how people treat you here. My daughter went to school in Coppell, and attended Coppell Middle School East, and then graduated from Coppell High School three years ago. I really do love the people in Coppell, they are very friendly. Coming from the Los Angeles area, yes they're friendly, but here they're more united. Coppell has taught me a lot and that includes keeping myself pretty positive about anything in life, which I do like about myself. There's always a reason and a purpose for everything, and I think that makes me kind of unique. I just try to keep myself very positive, even in bad times. I feel like I care for other people and put other people’s feelings before myself,” CHS Cafeteria Manager Lillian Cruz said.](https://coppellstudentmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/IMG_9763-900x600.jpg)
Humans of CHS: Lillian Cruz
April 6, 2018
![“I grew up in Texas so despite [my] Indian heritage, I guess I grew up bi-culture and bilingual. My family speaks our native language, Gujarati and English, at home. Around fourth grade, I took Spanish after school as a club, and I stuck with it up to middle school, where I did Spanish I. I just continued all the way into high school, and made it a passion. I just loved languages, music and culture. I loved seeing the similarities between my culture of north India and the culture of Hispanic countries such as Peru, Bolivia and Mexico. Seeing those connections that we have similarities such as spending time with family and doing what's good for your neighbors and things like that. But overall, I was just wowed by this beautiful language, and I thought, I am going to pursue Spanish. It’s not going to be a side hobby, it's going to be a job. I studied it in college, and here I am today”, CHS Spanish II and III teacher Devaki Dave said.](https://coppellstudentmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/IMG_5748-900x600.jpg)
Humans of CHS: Devaki Dave
April 6, 2018
!["I started singing pretty much when I was born. I’ve been singing my whole life. This is the gift that God gave me, so I’ve always used it. I’m in choir, theater, voice lessons and I also sing at my church outside the school. You can tell that singing is just a big part of my life. I was asked to sing at the pep rally by Bona Coogle, who is the head Coppell Choir director, because I sang in a football game earlier in the year, so she heard me do it there and ask me to sing at the pep rally. It was a little scary, but I wasn’t as nervous as I thought I would be. I’ve always loved to perform, so any chance that I get to do so, I take it. I like how singing makes me feel and I like how it makes other people feel. In my opinion, singing is the best way to portray emotions, but this doesn’t just happen to me when I sing, I also play the piano, the guitar, a little bit of ukulele and I’m looking forward to learn how to play the banjo. My dad plays the guitar and has a connection with music, so I’ve always been surrounded by it. For me, any kind of music is the most rewarding thing. [Music] is just the best to express yourself," CHS senior Katherine Love said.](https://coppellstudentmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/photo-katie-2-568x900.jpg)
Humans of CHS: Katie Love
April 6, 2018
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