The first thought that usually comes to a person’s mind when they think of their grandmother is a sweet, loving and caring person. This is a very true fact, at least when it comes to my grandma. However, she is much more than those characteristics.
Vanaja Manicka, my grandma, is a strong woman. The strength of women is often overlooked. To be strong internally, you do not need to be physically strong — I believe my grandma exemplifies exactly this.
My grandma has been my mentor since I could talk, which is why I look up to her. She is the strongest woman I know because she has dealt with a lot to make her the woman she is today. The responsibilities of raising three kids, dealing with medical conditions and keeping up with events around her have made her a busy person. But, she has managed to do it all and continues to this day.
She has always taught me to be a kind person, something she stands out in. My grandma is kind, even when she does not need to be, and this action has resonated with me. I try to be kind every chance I get because I learned from my grandma how being a good person can make one feel.
Nonetheless, good qualities are not the only thing I have learned from my grandma. Growing up, I never cared to try anything with my hair. One day when visiting my grandma in India, she told me I could braid my hair with the length it was finally at. She braided my hair, but I eventually tried doing it on my own. At first, I was very bad at it, but I got better with her help. Just like that, I learned a bunch of other skills I never thought I would have previously cared about.
My grandma has always had a huge impact on my life and I am so grateful for the experiences and memories I have had with her. I will continue to implement the characteristics that have made me the person I am, from everything my grandma has made me.
She is a woman to be recognized.
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