Humans disrupt the stability that Mother Nature created

Sapna Amin, Staff Writer

The Sidekick staff writer Sapna Amin shares her opinion of the effects humans have had on Mother Nature. Amin elaborates on the imminent danger we as a whole are at fault for. Camila Flores

In today’s society, ‘you reap what you sow’ is an accurate representation of how we treat Mother Nature. We have planted seeds that are growing in competition with one another and, by effect, they are blocking each other from the light and energy source they need to survive. 

No matter how different we each are as individuals, we have a common life source which is our Earth. As a society, we focus on individual success so much that we destroy anything that stands in our way, which leads to our own demise.

“Mother Nature is a cycle that balances all living things on this planet,” Coppell High School junior Aryan Damle said. “There is a beauty in balance.”

Change starts with us. When we each do our individual part to help the environment, we spread awareness as well love for each other and Mother Nature. 

“People often think that because something doesn’t directly affect them that it is unimportant,” said CHS sophomore Alyssa Bargas vice president of the Earth Protection Project which is a self started environmental conservation organization. “The Earth’s prosperity is everybody’s responsibility.”

When I think of Mother Nature, I think of an actual being; I have conceptualized her into a person. She is the mother of every living being that graces this planet. 

Like a mother, she provides for us. She gives nutrients from food and water, ensures our health with medicine and looks after our wellbeing with materials for shelter. 

“A better understanding would generate more appreciation,” CHS junior Vinay Munagapati said.

Mother Nature intended humans to live amongst nature in harmony. However, we have become self-destructive in our contamination of her. 

“Large corporations will do whatever it takes to be at the top of their market. Efficiency and mass consumption has a cost,” Bargas said.

The increase in use of renewable energy sources would help to have a reliable source of energy. We need to invest in our future instead of cheap, non-sustainable resources.

There is so much that nature can teach us, if we only took the time to notice. Beauty is embedded in every tree, flower and blade of grass.

“At the end of the day, people become too lazy to go the extra step for the sake of the environment,” Damle said.

According to the IPCC, by 2036 the human race will have crossed the environmental ruin threshold if we continue at the rate we are going to burn fossil fuels. The environmental problems that we face are becoming increasingly more urgent because , yet many people brush it off. This is something that can’t wait until tomorrow.

When you are just one person the feat may seem impossible, but it takes one person to create a ripple. With more help, that ripple will become a wave.

“If we really want to see change in the way the media and our politicians approach climate action, then it starts with us,” Bargas said.

People feel bad about what we are doing to the environment for about five seconds before they scroll onto something less dismal. As technology takes over more of our life, we pay less attention to the beauty of nature.

“Some people who have barely shown any interest in the environment are posting on Earth Day,” Bargas said. “Everyday should receive the same sort of awareness and attention in regards to the environment.”

We often use the internet as an excuse for ignorance. We use it to shield us from reality so we don’t have to think about the pain we are causing. It hurts to think about it, but it hurts us even more to ignore it.

“I feel like Earth Day has reminded us that we are merely guests of the planet, not its owners”, Damle said

Since this Earth Day was spent inside, people have a greater appreciation for the Earth. The coronavirus itself is a negative thing, but it has led to positive things for the environment. Less people are driving, throwing trash and contributing to pollution.

It is upsetting to think that it took a pandemic for a change like this. My hope is that we carry these good habits with us when it’s over.

“Nature has taught me that beauty is fragile. We need to protect and appreciate the beautiful things in life,” Bargas said. “The world is always changing and it’s important to appreciate the small beautiful moments because we never know what the future may hold.”

Once we embrace the world around us we will be able to lead better lives.

Follow Sapna (@sapnaamin6) and @CHSCampusNews on Twitter.