Enjoy self-quarantining with these boredom-busting pastimes

Shravya Mahesh, Entertainment Editor

Your workspace is cluttered. Your mind is jumbled. Your eyes droop and you feel lethargic. With schedules becoming routine and free time quickly getting boring it can be easy to find yourself wishing for self-quarantining to end. 

However, there is no limit to the possibilities for at-home fun – here are just a few ideas for enjoyable ways to pass time.

Pranati Kandi
Bake some cookies, cook some pasta; cooking is always a great way to pass time. The recipe doesn’t have to be complicated to leave you and your family with something delicious to eat.

Experiment in the kitchen

All it takes is a good recipe, a few supplies and a food craving waiting to be satisfied to concoct something truly amazing. Impress your family and friends with professional shots of a technical dish or whip together a quick snack. Or if your birthday is coming up, bake a cake and turn the kitchen session into a celebration. Your stomach will surely thank you for the delicious pastime.

Pranati Kandi
Whether you’re rereading an all-time favorite or trying out a new recommendation, reading is a great way to pass time. Even if you can’t go to an actual library, downloading an ebook is a great way for you to get your reading fix.

Bury your nose into a book

With the current state of affairs seeming at times all too surreal, it can often be comforting to escape into an alternate dimension where things don’t seem nearly as stressful. Grab your childhood favorite from off your bookshelf and re-explore a familiar world or download an ebook version of the most popular recent Young Adult releases. No matter what you read, the time will surely fly like the pages of the novel.


Pranati Kandi
Taking a relaxing bath, cleaning your workspace and even doing skincare are great ways to relax. During these tough times, it’s especially important to remember to take care of yourself.

Rejuvenate and freshen up 

With many events canceled and schedules rapidly freeing up, it is a good time to take care of yourself. Reorganize your workspace, apply a face mask, soak in a bubble bath or just take a calming nap. The more you do this, the fresher you will feel when you can finally leave your house, meet your friends and get back to normalcy.


Pranati Kandi
Whether it’s through your phone or a controller, you have a plethora of options right at your fingertips. Take time to experiment, figure out what you like and find games that correspond with your interests.



Enjoy an afternoon of gaming

The world of gaming offers hours of fun right at your fingertips. Build your own campsite in the recently released Animal Crossing: New Horizons, reactivate your old account on the newly reopened Club Penguin or just pick up a controller for some old-school fun. If you find yourself getting tired, build up your energy on Wii or Kinect Sports or kick back with a traditional card or board game.


Pranati Kandi
Whether you are finding some new artists, making a friend a playlist, or just listening to a new album, music is a great way to keep you feeling good. If you are on the hunt for more music recommendations, check out the Sidekick’s album reviews.

Listen to your favorite tunes 

Being alone at home or in your room, the silence can get almost suffocating – so why not fill it with some great music? Whether you choose to listen to your all-time favorite tracks, get nostalgic with some throwback hits or check out some new songs, the music industry will surely satisfy your thirst for entertainment. Bonus: if you’re brave enough, challenge a friend to a virtual karaoke or lip-sync battle.


Pranati Kandi
Movies and TV shows are a great way to unwind after a long day, while still spending quality time with your loved ones. Take turns picking the movie or the TV show for optimal family fun.

Host a family movie night

Check off some of the items on your watch list while also spending time with your family. Pull out the sleeping bag and blankets, stick some popcorn in the microwave and get everyone together to enjoy a film or even a movie marathon. If you would rather get invested in something longer, find a new series on Netflix and binge it. Considering the numerous selection of titles available for streaming, you will never run out of options. 

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