On the Spot: Texans celebrate Lone Star State’s birthday (with video)

Anthony Cesario

Today is Texas Independence Day. Teachers and students discuss the importance of Texas Independence Day to them and their way of commemoration.

Sarah Habib, Staff Writer

Streams of red, white and blue are flown up high, a single star boldly printed onto the banner shining as its proudest emblem of its country. A spectrum of faces are holding the flag in their own ways. This is nationalism, state nationalism and this time it’s for the Lone Star State- Texas.

Texas Independence Day, annually celebrated on March 2, marks the commemoration of the adoption of the Texas Declaration of Independence, an event that marks Texas’s freedom from Mexico in 1836. Though it isn’t the only Independence day for Texas, it is a time symbolized with individuality and strength.

“Texas Independence Day symbolizes the individualism that is inherent in most Texans,” AP U.S history teacher Kevin Casey said. “Being born and raised in Texas [myself], it’s kind of ingrained in you that Texas are more a little more independent, fierce and in a way more single-minded than a lot of other people from around the country.”

The Battle for Texas Independence started over a cannon, “Come and Take it” and Texas did just that at San Jacinto in 1836 with Sam Houston’s strategic attack. A battle fueled with the memories of the Alamo and Goliad and won with not only the indebted justice of liberty but to honor those who fought and died for independence.

Celebrated back then with festivals, re-enactments, songs and dance, the honoring of the special way has changed in the way the state has become more diversified and unique to every resident it holds.

“From the past 10 years I have spent living here, the thing I love the most about Texas is its landscape, its people, its inspiration,” CHS junior Varshni Karthikeyan said. “Today I went out into nature and just observed everything that made me fall in love with the state that I live in. The diverse community of people, the cracked brown ground that contrasts with the lavish green hills and shrubbed trees, the tall, sturdy buildings made from the hands of many generations – it’s a beauty its own.”

Texas Independence Day isn’t only an annual event for some, for others it is a pride they wear wherever they go.

“The fact that we were our own independent country for some time is something I think about and am proud of when I talk about my state with family and friends from different parts of the globe,” CHS junior Nathan Thomas said. “I have a friend from Virginia and she always tells me that [her community] doesn’t talk about their state as much as people from my state do. And what’s not to talk about, we are one of the biggest and most innovative states in the country. Unity, industry and scale. That’s Texas.”

Casey appreciates Texans’ pride in their state.

“If you ask someone from Texas where they are from, they are going to answer Texas,” Casey said. “Sometimes if you ask people from other states, they may give you a city, they may give you a nation- Texans are going to give you Texas as an answer.”

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