Respira treble show choir to perform annual Dessert Show: Around the World

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Respira, Coppell High School’s show choir, is hosting its annual show in the CHS Auditorium tomorrow and Saturday night. The show is inspired by diversity and current iconic hits in music. Tickets are $5 for students with IDs, $10 for adults and complementary for attendees with supporter shirts.

Sarah Habib, Writer

Coppell High School’s Respira treble show choir is performing with a new theme at its annual Dessert Show, “Around the World,” this weekend.

This year’s desert show theme is inspired  not only by current trends in music, but also the diversity of different cultures and languages in music.

“The songs were based on what the kids listen to these days,” CHS choir director Bona Coogle said. “I noticed a lot of the girls listening and dancing to K-pop. As a sponsor of the [Korean Culture Club], I started to look into songs on the music website. From the songs we selected in K-pop, we decided to branch out into different cultures and languages. We looked at different repertoires and chose a couple of songs that [are] famous and well-enjoyed from around the world – songs like ‘Jai Ho’, ‘What is Love’, ‘I was here’ – and decided to take on not only their fun musical composition, but their value culturally and globally.” 

With eight songs, two acts and an intermission with free dessert in between, there is much for the audience to enjoy.

“The girls and I have worked so hard on this show, from the afternoon rehearsals and dance practices to the selection of desserts that we have all picked out; we are excited to show what we got,” CHS junior Katherine Anderson said.

The show is special for the senior members of the treble choir, as they have their chosen senior songs to commemorate their last year at CHS.

“I originally found the song after looking through so many and I found ‘I Was Here’ by Lady Antebellum,” CHS Respira senior captain Samantha Bui said. “The song really hit me with its meaning of growing into something better and embracing the endeavors of the future. The other senior girls agreed with me, and it was really emotional how much the song meant to us as a last performance as Respira and our legacy – what we have done in choir and what we are leaving behind.”

Guests can attend the show Friday and Saturday night at 7 p.m.. in the CHS Auditorium. The show lasts for two-and-a-half hours. Regular tickets are $10, but students with school IDs pay $5. Guests wearing Respira Royalty supporter shirts are admitted for free . 

To purchase tickets and find more information, visit the CHS choir department’s website for events.


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