Maddie Walters
Staff Writer
As we are all aware, today is the dreaded date when all American citizens heave a mighty groan. It’s tax day. But think positive, with tax day comes all the goodies certain companies provide as a way of saying “Thanks for being a good citizen”.
For example, today only you may bring in a reusable mug to any Starbucks location and they will fill you up with up to 20 ounces of their good stuff. They are running a campaign to gather personal pledges – 42,679 to date – from coffee drinkers to switch from paper cups to reusable mugs, an act that isn’t only being green but will also create more green for their bottom line.
Another company willing to give a ‘”Thank You” is every one’s favorite fast food restaurant, McDonald’s. Pull up to any friendly window and receive a Big Mac for a penny when you purchase another Big Mac for full price.
And the list goes on! Today you can receive 15% off at any P.F. Changs, a five topping pizza at Papa Johns for only $10.40 and Cinnabon is offering free cupcake or cinnamon bites.
So go out and appreciate these little bits of happiness while you can; you deserve it America.