Science fair winners look forward to Dallas regional competition
CHS9 Cathy Douglas’s eighth period GT Biology students take their unit test on Feb. 4. The Coppell High School science fair was held at CHS9 on Jan. 24, where 229 students and 130 projects entered.
February 12, 2019
Coppell students take on their next challenge after performing well in the Coppell High School science fair with 96 participants and 55 projects moving onto the Dallas Regional Science Fair.
The Coppell High School science fair was held at CHS9 on Jan. 24, with 229 students and 130 projects entered. The Dallas Regional Science Fair is Feb. 23.
The regional science fair exposes students to more of their peers’ research and presents opportunities for scholarships.
“The upcoming regional science fair could open a lot doors for my students,” CHS9 GT Biology teacher Cathy Douglas said. “They could win scholarship money and prizes that will aid their futures in the science field.”
Due to a course requirement, all freshman GT Biology students participated in the CHS science fair. However, the fair was open to all grades and classes.
“I’ve been researching finding new genes and their roles in how calcium moves within a yeast cell that has calcium issues for the past four years,” said CHS junior Sona Selvamani, who finished second in the microbiology category. “I hope to find insight into how genes could tie into causes of Alzheimer’s disease.”
The science fair encouraged scientific diversity. Students submitted projects under 16 categories: biochemistry, physics and astronomy, plant science, material science, chemistry, microbiology, behavioral sciences I, behavioral sciences II, engineering mechanics, cellular and molecular biology, Earth and environmental systems I, environmental systems II, medicine and health I, medicine and health II, chemical and physical energy and system science.
“I tested the positive effect the moringa oleifera plant has on water quality,” said CHS sophomore Karthik Karuppiah, who placed first in the plant science category. “Participating in the science fair helps encourage finding solutions to real-life problems like solving water contamination.”
Students who participated in the science fair focused on important issues in the global scientific community and topics they have a passion for.
“I encouraged my students to center their projects around important global issues like preserving the environment and improving health research,” Douglas said. “My students have really taken the initiative to collect their own data and delve deeper into what they’re passionate about.”
Participants moving on to enter the Dallas regional science fair look forward to gaining experience and important life skills.
“Creating my project required a lot of effort, dedication and persistence,” said CHS9 freshman Bailey Kim, who placed first in the Earth and environmental sciences category. “In the Dallas Regional Science Fair I hope to learn from other students’ projects and gain valuable experience.”
Watch Coppell and regional qualifiers present their scientific research at Centennial Hall in Dallas from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Feb. 23.
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