by Ashley Attanucci
Staff Writer
Some students back from spring break were greeted with a pleasant, technological surprise: Smart Boards installed by the CISD over the week off. Six deserving teachers were awarded with a Smart Board in his or her classroom, along with flip cameras, a Mac Book, the choice between 30 netbooks or 15 laptops and the possibility of iPads.
The upgrades in technology are part of a program with the CISD called Club 21, where any elementary, primary or secondary teacher (excluding New Tech) can apply for a Smart Board and technology training.
Out of the many CHS teachers who applied Michael Brock, Paulan Daily, Jodie Deinhammer, Creighton Hulse, Nannette McMurtry and Donna Murrell were chosen.

“[Smart Boards] keep the students engaged and actively participating in the classroom curriculum,” Physics and IPC teacher Ms. Murrell said. “Students can take a Koosh ball and throw it at the Smart Board to activate the buttons [when we play jeopardy].”
Club 21 teachers attended a training meeting last week where they were introduced to the technology and creative ways to incorporate the Smart technology in their classroom. They must also complete further training in the summer.
“The expectation is that [Club 21 teachers] will share and work with other teachers to bring about the knowledge and enthusiasm to others,”CHS Integration Specialist Shalone Willms said.