On the Spot: Mock election introduces students to voting process (with video)

Devan Patel & Sai Vadivalli | KCBY-TV

Christine Zacuai

Coppell High School senior Tanay Pradhan selects candidates on the Texas Gubernatorial Mock Election google form in the CHS library in Bybiana Houghton’s AP Government class during eighth period. Voting is open all day with students requiring their student ID’s to vote.

Arman Merchant, Staff Writer

The Coppell High School library held a mock election for the Texas Gubernatorial race between Republican incumbent Greg Abbott, Democratic nominee Lupe Valdez and Libertarian candidate Mark Tippetts.


Open to voting all day, the mock election took place in the library with classes heading in to cast their votes. Students needed their student ID’s to allow one submission on the Google form.


This mock election allows those underage of voting a voice in the political process.


This mock election was used introduce the students at CHS to the voting process along with the need to choose sides with the different policies.


“It is important for everyone to be aware of the political process,” AP Government teacher Bybiana Houghton said. “In the end, the people are the ones that will decide if our nomination was the right choice, so looking at the different policies is a must.”


Teachers hope that students look into voting in the near future.


“Being a civic country, understanding why to vote is essential for the future” AP World History teach Dan Gillette said. “The students are the future of our nation, and teaching them the process is a great way to get them started.”


After the CHS election Lupe Valdez was the winner with 54% of the 730 total votes.