Bringing the basics: Coppell Life Safety Park holds monthly CPR-AED class

Christine Zacuai

Coppell firefighter and paramedic Daniel-Mark Knight and attendee Ramesh Chittipolu set up the automated external defibrillator (AED) device at the Coppell Life Safety Park’s monthly CPR-AED class on Saturday morning. Firefighters from the Coppell Fire Department instruct the classes about basic first aid tactics, use of the AED device in case of cardiac arrest in infants, children and adults.

Christine Zacuai, Executive News Editor

Bringing the basics to saving to a life locally, the City of Coppell held its monthly CPR-AED training class at the Coppell Life Safety Park on Saturday morning.  


Open for any teen and adult, the CPR-AED class teaches the necessary skills for basic first aid tactics, choking relief, and steps in case of cardiac arrest in infants, children, and adults along with directions for automated external defibrillator (AED), a portable electronic device used to identify cardiac arrest.   


“We want all citizens to be prepared if anyone goes into cardiac arrest, that they are able to provide possible immediate service,” Coppell Life Safety Park coordinator Jeana Lantiere said.


Though there were delays resulting from rainy weather, the turnout did not disappoint, as the class had seats filled with attendees.


The class requires no costs from attendees and also provides certification for basic Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). It is also instructed by the Coppell Fire Department firefighters.


“These skills and everything [they] do are super important for the success of resuscitation,” Coppell firefighter and paramedic Daniel-Mark Knight said. “The key to CPR is high quality uninterrupted CPR.”


Under the leadership of Knight, who has been teaching CPR for seven years, attendees were eager and engaged, asking questions during every lesson of the class.


Attendees ranged from musical teachers, medical students and new parents looking for more knowledge in a potential situation of crisis.


“It’s important to be prepared, stay calm and administer aid with confidence due to the Samaritan Law,” attendee Marjorie Fralick said. “If you are able to help others, you go away from [the class] knowing you contributed something to show compassion in times of need.”


Coppell Life Safety Park also provides classes such as College Safety 101, Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety, Basic Emergency Safety that promotes safety to all audiences from kindergarten students, teenagers to adults.


Registration for the CPR-AED class can be found at