School safety should be appreciated, not shamed

Editorial Board

Students have to walk across campus in order to get into the only school entrance. Students are required to be off campus during release periods. Guests may only bring small bags into Buddy Echols Field, and all large school events now require outside security, campus administration and police officers to be in attendance.


And of course, students must wear IDs around their neck at all times.


All of these rules elicit groans and complaints from many Coppell High School students.


But perhaps what should promote true outrage is the fact there have been at least 57 incidents where gunfire occurred on school grounds in 2018.


Perhaps what should promote true outrage is the fact there have been so many incidents involving guns at schools that we no longer know how to classify what is a school shooting versus what is not.


Perhaps what should promote true outrage is the fact since the shooting at Sandy Hook in 2012, 400 people have been shot in over 200 school shootings.


Do we really want to sit here, complaining about security measures that are being taken for our protection, while there are parents, spouses and more sitting in a home that their loved one will never return to?

Yes, ultimately if someone truly wanted to come in and harm anyone at a school, the security measures taken are not guaranteed to protect us. Yes, it can be a hassle to get to class, or have your lanyard swing in your way as you bend over your schoolwork.  


But if it is really that big of a discomfort to you, get to school earlier. Move your lanyard behind your neck as you work.


The biggest discomfort you could possibly experience would be nothing close to watching your peers in pain, or even yourself.


Maybe, in the future, if money and time allows it, the school can take even further action, action that could potentially be less of a hassle.


Until that time, however, we should be grateful for the fact we have safety measures being taken, rather than sitting and waiting for something dangerous to occur.