Changes to Student Council offering more student voice
During seventh period, student council adviser Jonathan Denton discusses upcoming plans for student Council. Student councils members are preparing for homecoming and upcoming by taking notes and listening to Mr. Denton.
August 30, 2018

During seventh period, senior Addison Sork designs a homecoming shirt for homecoming. Homecoming is around the corner and student council needs to promote homecoming in a variety of ways to get the word out.
With dozens of posters and announcements posted around the school, the 2018-19 Coppell High School Student Council (StuCo) has expanded more than ever.
This year, StuCo is striving to strengthen the community around it, and make the CHS environment a healthier and more comfortable place for its students.
“Student council is a unique organization that acts like a heart of the school,” CHS StuCo sponsor Jonathan Denton said. “Organizing student council allows students and community members to grow our building in a positive manner.”
As the membership has increased, the club and its organizers called for a separate class open to junior and senior officers as a chance to get more involved in the process. Sophomores remain in the after school club until their junior and senior year, when they are given the option to run for an officer position such as secretary or vice president.
The officers focus on serving its members, as well as looking for ways of improvement when any opportunity is given to do so.
Not only does the largely-developing organization impact the campus, but it learns lifelong experiences which will help them communicate and be better leaders in the real world.
“We grow closer as a community and learn social and leadership skills and, most importantly, the value of giving back,” junior Raisah Khan said. “It’s a rewarding experience.”
With the newly-added classes and frequent activities, members have become much more devoted to what they do. They are hoping that with the increasing amount of students joining, they will be able to share their experiences and dedication throughout the school to continue this recent pattern.
“StuCo is a club for the student body so it isn’t limited to only a group of people,” junior Treasurer Van Vuong said. “No matter who you are, you will definitely find a place perfect for you here. The more, the merrier.”
StuCo welcomes all students searching for a heart-warming organization to join. Whether they are busy with sports or extracurriculars, StuCo ensures that there are ways to balance everything out without overwhelming its members.