CISD Teacher of the Year: An award only for the best of the best
Mrs. Mollick of Coppell Middle School North and Mr. Hanson of Wilson Elementary receive awards and recognition for their Teacher of the Year accomplishment at the Coppell ISD Education Foundation Banquet
May 14, 2018
Countless teachers have won the acclaimed Coppell ISD Teacher of the Year award. This year’s recipients excel in blazing their own path in the education world.
Appreciation of teachers in modern-day America is at an all-time high. Schools across the nation are adopting a platform of acknowledging the passion and persistent nature that teachers hold. Cups full of goods are given to educators for teacher appreciation week. Lunches are held for them throughout the year. However, there is a form of acknowledgment that is inspiring to all.
The Teacher of the Year award.
Jobs are common in Coppell. At every corner, every street there is someone making a living. They keep our city afloat and contribute to the overarching system of economy. With the spotlight being drawn to competitive jobs in Silicon Valley or the lack-thereof due to advancement in robotics, many seem to forget that teachers shape the future of this country.
There are so-so teachers. There are good teachers. They are the first line-of-defense for children facing the inequalities of this world. They are the thick-skinned, loving individuals who nurture our children with knowledge.
They are Mr. Eric Hanson of Wilson Elementary and Mrs. Mel Mollick of Coppell Middle School North.
Hanson has been working in CISD for six years, with 2018 marking his 10th year of teaching students of all backgrounds and race. His introduction to CISD was through Lee Elementary, but he moved to Wilson Elementary soon after.
“Being the CISD Elementary Teacher of the Year is very humbling.” Hanson said. “I work with incredible people day after day, and I am constantly learning from them. I sincerely believe that I am simply a representative of the amazing things happening at Wilson Elementary. This school is pure magic; the culture, the enrichment programs, the care for every child – it is a great place for any child to learn and grow.”
His dedication and drive is what led to his achievement as being crowned one of the CISD Teachers of the Year. That same push for education and well-being of students is also found in Mollick. She hails from CMS North, home of the Cougars.
Mollick is a teacher with a background as a librarian. Her passion for everything that is books and reading shows itself in her day-to-day teaching. The love she cherishes for the subject is inspiring to teachers at any corner of the education system.
“Every day, I’m surrounded by incredible educators who give their hearts to this profession,” Mollick said. “I feel honored that the school and district I put my heart into every day chose me to represent them.”
Both teachers are equally proud to carry the prestigious nature of CISD on their backs. With their pencils in hand they will march forward with their educated students by their side. The future of this world is up to the teachers who will lead its citizens.
Follow Andrés @_andresbear