Parker wins Teacher of the Year for charisma, inclusiveness

Karis Thomas

The family of Coppell High School weightlifting coach and outdoor adventures teacher Bill Parker supports him at the Teacher of the Year ceremony in the CHS Arena on Dec. 4. Bill Parker was awarded as Teacher of the Year for 2017 for his exemplary work ethic and success as a teacher and coach.

Amelia Vanyo and Claire Clements

Coppell High School Physical Education and Outdoor Adventures teacher Bill Parker set the crystal ball on his desk. “Anytime you’re confused about your grades, ask the ball, that’s where they come from.”


Parker is engaging in the way he interacts with students, and his charisma as a teacher and a leader help him stand out among CHS teachers.


“He makes a relationship with every single one of his students, and he makes sure everyone always understands,” CHS senior Gavin Monroe said. “He makes the class fun every single day. Somehow it’s always interesting.”


On Dec 4, Parker was awarded Coppell HIgh School Teacher of the Year. He was selected out of 13 nominees, two in LOTE, two in English, four in History, one in Math, two in Science, one in physical education and one in Special Education.


The amount of nominees this year was a hallmark for CHS, considering the amount of last year’s nominees was only five.


The nominees were chosen through the vote of their colleagues, who answered questions regarding the teacher’s interactions with their students.


Karis Thomas
The Coppell High School 2017 Teacher of the Year Nominees stand proudly in the CHS Arena on Dec. 4 as they are honored with a personalized plaque for their exemplary work ethic. Coppell High School weightlifting coach and outdoor adventures teacher Bill Parker was awarded as Teacher of the Year for 2017.


“[We considered] how he used assessments, engagement, relationship building, learning environment, a lot of the things that are based off of the learning framework for Coppell Independent School District,” CHS assistant principal Ryan Lam said.


Parker may have won Teacher of the Year, but he kept a modest attitude towards his fellow teachers.


“There are a lot of people here that deserve this award more than I do.” said Parker, following the announcement in the CHS Arena.