Best of both worlds: perspective of nearby family on school activity

Ale Ceniceros

The Brandenburg’s have boarding and personal horses in their ranch behind Coppell High School. Activities held by the school have not been an issue for these animals.

Christine Zacuai, Staff Writer

When adapting to changes in regards to surroundings, most will find it difficult and inconvenient when carrying out their daily life. However, Coppell’s Brandenburg family shares its positive outlook regarding recent changes to the school’s activities and construction.

During her eight years as the property owner of nine acres and resident of Coppell, Cristy Brandenburg has had pleasure living near Coppell High School.

The Brandenburg family is known for its horses just behind the school and with every change, the growth of the school is intimately seen and experienced.

Their property is a boarding stable holding a variety of personal and business horses and allows the Brandenburgs to be both connected with the community and school while living in a secluded setting.

“It feels like you’re removed, but you hear the activities,” Brandenburg said. “It’s kind of the best of both worlds, actually.”

This close proximity allows Brandenburg to stay in touch with ongoing school festivities and events.

Although recent arena construction and band rehearsals can create additional noise to the quiet suburban ranch, their daily life and outlook remain unaffected.

“None of this has been an issue for us,” Brandenburg said. “The more offerings, the better. It’s been a good thing for us.”

Brandenburg enjoys being closely located to the school, as her son, who is currently attending Coppell Middle School West, will soon attend Coppell High School.