Bikers raise awareness at City Council meeting
Citizens and bikers gathered together on Tuesday to recognize the month of May as “Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month.” The month was meant to raise awareness for both drivers and bikers to be safe on the road. Photo by Emma Cummins.
April 27, 2017
One does not usually expect to see a biker gang at the Coppell City Council meetings. However, Tuesday night was a rare treat for some to be able to see the good work that bikers are doing to prevent motorcycle accidents.
In order to make sure this work did not go unnoticed, the Council recognized the month of May as “Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month.”
“We have a lot of different things going on; we do presentations at driver’s ed to educate the kids,” said Connie Thompson, coordinator of the Denton chapter of the Iron Guardians. “We go just to make sure people are looking for us, to look twice. We’re mothers, fathers, grandparents, sisters and brothers. We’re getting killed everyday.”
The proclamation did signal a step forward.
“By doing the proclamations and going to schools that gets the word out to educate people,” Thompson said.
This was met with enthusiasm from the Council.
“The citizens of Coppell will hopefully hear the message and keep doing the great work that you’re doing,” Mayor Karen Hunt said.
The remainder of the evening was spent approving contracts with the city such as reconstruction projects.