AP psychology yoga in CHS main hallway
January 13, 2017

Coppell High School teacher Eric Walker does a yoga pose with the Leyendecker’s third period class on Thursday in the main hall at CHS. He meditates with cross cross legs and straight back in order to relieve stress and any back pain.

During third period on Thursday, Coppell High School AP psychology students do yoga to enhance their understanding of their stress and emotions unit in the main hall. The yoga is conducted by Kristia Leyendecker and Eric Walker.

Coppell High School teacher Kristia Leyendecker instructs her AP psychology third period class to participate in yoga for their emotions and stress unit on Thursday morning. The unit is implemented in order to relieve stress and emotion.

Coppell High School AP psychology teacher Kristia Leyendecker’s third period class does yoga in main hallway at Coppell High School. Kristia Leyendecker constructs her students in different yoga positions while Eric Walker walks around and monitors.

On Thursday morning, Coppell High School junior Nataly Angulo closes her eyes and meditates to ease some stress on her mind. Kristia Leyendecker tells her students to cross cross, sit up straight, close their eyes, and just breathe in order to relieve stress.

On Thursday morning, Coppell High School students put their arms over their heads to relieve their arms from any pain. AP Psychology classes are focused on a stress and emotions unit, and yoga helps them understand the unit more effectively.

Coppell High School AP psychology students stretch their neck from side to side during third period on Thursday. This specific yoga pose relieves headaches or tension in the neck.

Kristia Leyendecker shows her students how to do a yoga pose by bending down straight and arms down. This yoga pose relieves stress and back pain.