Student led project coming to life with Winter Fest
Coppell High School IB program presents a Winter Fest on Sunday from 6-9 p.m at the CHS commons. There a silent auction, slam poetry readings, live music, games, coffee and desserts. Entry is free, but silent auction and food proceeds will go to KIVA.
December 9, 2016
On Sunday from 6 – 9 p.m., the Coppell High School International Baccalaureate program is holding a Winter Fest with the annual IB Christmas party and includes a silent auction, slam poetry readings, live music, games, coffee and desserts at the CHS commons.
Entry is free but the food and auction proceeds will go to KIVA.
CHS Environmental Science teacher Holly Anderson is the sponsor for this event.
“We had some setbacks, but I think it was a great learning experience,” Anderson said. “It turned out really well and I think they [the students] are working really well at planning it. I know some of the logistics and help with finances, [but it is student driven].”
CHS IB senior Murphy Scott is one of the students involved in the IB service project.
“[IB students] started planning it at the beginning of summer,” Scott said. “The students do everything too. We make up the committees.”
This year’s event is a little different from previous parties and fundraisers, as it is earlier in the year.
“We do something like this every year but it’s usually in the spring,” Scott said. “As IB students we need a service project and this is what we ended up deciding upon.”
IB senior Maddie D’Iorio is the head coordinator of the event and hopes many students can come out to support the effort.
“My goal for this project was to organize a charity event for KIVA and make a fun party for the IB students to relax and celebrate a long semester,” D’Iorio said. “Our goal for attendance is 200 people.”
For more information, contact D’Iorio at