Making it count: how end of school year should be spent
Seniors discuss their summer plans during Kim Thibodeaux’s AP English IV class on Friday. “The end of the year is always a time for a lot of students to be really lazy but that the time when I do the most,” senior Mediha Rehan said. “You’re so close to the finish line why not just go out with a bang?”
May 3, 2016
By Lili Lomas
Staff writer
It is the beginning of May which means we we are in the home stretch of the school year. However, these last few weeks of school should be made the most out of, not overlooked.
We always complain about how high school is hard, how we are “overburdened” by homework and extracurricular activities, but after graduation, life is not getting any easier.
Once high school is over, we will encounter the world through a new perspective and in a vulnerable position. For most seniors, these last few weeks of school are the last few days of protection under their parents’ wings before being exposed to independent college life.
Rather than complaining about having to study for final tests or obsessing over counting down the days until school is over, savor every day that you get to spend close to home.
For those returning for another year of high school, these last six weeks mean more free time, something we long for throughout the year.
With testing going on and units finishing, we will probably have less homework and more social events like graduation parties and banquets. Classes tend to be slightly more relaxed toward the end of the year which is something we should enjoy and take advantage of, not see as an obstruction to our summer.
When teachers don’t assign much homework, use your free time to do what you wish you normally could. Study up on that driver’s education you left hanging in the middle of last semester. Since schoolwork will not be taking as much of your time, you can also get to know your classmates better in class and attend school events that a student club is hosting.
Yes, the school year is almost over, but this six weeks can be a time to get to know more of what your school has to offer– create a more colorful picture of your high school experience. It can also be a time to pour in more energy into school work in order to finish the year with higher overall averages and satisfaction.
Don’t call it quits just because summer is drawing near. Students are jittery, anticipating summer and preparing for end of year exams but rather than looking forward to summer, we should make these last six weeks count and enjoy the time we have in high school, before it all ends.