By Melissa Brisco
Staff Writer
At the beginning of each school year, I set some personal and academic goals for myself. Some of them are a bit illogical and out of my reach, while others are simple goals that I likely would have completed even without making a set list of goals.
As the semester ends, it is time for me to reassess the goals I made and see which ones I have completed and which ones I need to complete before graduation in exactly 143 days.
As a senior, one of my obvious goals was to apply and to be accepted into college. This is one task that I can almost cross off. I have completely finished applying for undergraduate admissions and I have received acceptance letters from all but one of my schools (I should hear from that particular school in May). However, I still need to apply to one schools honors college, and decide where it is that I actually want to go.
One of my other goals was to make all A’s. It’s senior year, and my schedule is not too heavy, it seemed very capable. This goal, I did not accomplish, unfortunately due to AP Statistics. But, I’m ready to try again for this achievement second semester.
My personal goal for the year was to branch out and make new friends. I have gotten very comfortable in my group of friends, and they are the best I could ask for, but as this is the last year (and now last semester) I will spend with the vast majority of these people, I wanted to meet new people and branch out of my comfort zone. This is a goal that I am proud to say I have accomplished! Although, I still spend the majority of my time with my three best friends, I have made new friends and I spend a comparable amount of time with them.
This semester has been a great experience thus far, but I eagerly anticipate next semester and hope to finish checking off my goals.
To see a fellow The Sidekick staffer, Peyton Wood’s life goals, click here.