By Sloane Samberson
Staff Writer
The terrible twos, puberty, teenage rebellion. Some of the most difficult years in a child’s life that parents have to deal with. But it does not have to be awful, there are ways to cope.
On Monday from 7-8:30 p.m., author of Love and Logic, Dr. Charles Fay will be at Coppell Middle School West teaching parents skills on how to get their child to behave without losing their love.
Love and Logic is a well known parenting program that the Coppell Independent School District is offering through its Parent University 2.0 Breakout Sessions. This session will give parents an overview of Fay’s book and will leave them with vital parenting tips on how to handle arguing, begging and talking back.
Fay’s skills are successful because they teach a child that their parents are the “good guy,” only trying to help them, whereas their poor decisions are the “bad guy,” only working against them.
If you have questions for Fay, you will have an opportunity to ask them during the Q&A at the end of the session.